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 When The Temple of Maergzjirah became a public organization in the year of 2010, our doors have been opened for new spiritual pilgrims to join our pursuits of liberation. In the release of our magickal doctrines we have reached world-wide influence with the knowledge and power brought to the fore of Etherian awareness.

We cordially invite you to join the of The Temple of Maergzjirah, and its currents through the expressions of knowledge and relics we offer for the aspiring divine. Should you seek to join our ranks, look no further than the Discipleship page. Additionally, take heed to subscribe to our Youtube channel for further instructional videos, as well as insights on the path to Apotheosis.

Due to the unique nature of The Temple of Maergzjirah, The Cabal, and our worldview, we have endured an unfortunate amount of criticism from those that would not seek further than their own understanding. Social justice warriors, white lighters, religious fanatics of the JCI, even supposed Left Hand adherents. The reason for this is simple, we strive to accomplish what many see as fruitless. To liberate every inhabitant of this plane from their spiritual, social, and intellectual bondage. By educating those that would embrace liberation on the nature of sorcery; Your birthright that has been stolen. By dispelling every interpretation of fallacy on a global scale throughout every religious organization and corporation which contributes to the prison this plane has become. Countless have come to our doors seeking sanctuary, and their faith has not bee misplaced. The path to overcome the mortal coil lay bare to the devoted that would seek it.

We do not deceive our people.

We do not offer pipe-dreams, fantasies, or regurgitated theories. We offer the truth that you have been deprived of. A path that with dedication and focus, can be verifiable, tangible, life-altering, as well as spiritually exalting.

We offer you Apotheosis.

Welcome to The Temple of Maergzjirah.

Become Exalted

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We Craft Gods


Take Fate

within your own hands


Inherit your Throne in Etheris

We Know you can,

achieve Apotheosis.

If you have faith in the work, we have faith in you.


 Contact us if you have any questions.  We look forward to the opportunity to guide and educate.

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© 2020 Temple of Maergzjirah/The Cabal

All information contained herein is the sole property of the AGM (Raszarith) Teaching and writings are the sole property of  each Tower Master. 

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